Does beetroot help with implantation?

If you’re undergoing IVF you’re might be wondering if diet can improve implantation naturally after an embryo transfer. One food that is often suggested to make implantation successful is beetroot.

Let’s take a look if beetroot can really help improve implantation…


What is Beetroot

Beetroot’s are a root vegetable that are high in fibre & are a good source of folate, Vitamin C, iron & potassium.

Their red colour is due to an antioxidant called Betanin. Beets are also rich in nitrates which are converted into Nitric Oxide (NO). Nitric Oxide dilates blood vessels & improves the flow of blood and oxygen around the body.

Can Beets help with implantation?

Unfortunately there is only one small study looking at the role beetroot plays in implantation.

In this study, from the day of embryo transfer during the two week wait, women drank a beetroot, watermelon & ginger juice daily & and saw increased rates of implantation.

Researchers believe that the nitric oxide found in beetroot could support blood flow to the uterus which may help support implantation.

This is very small study & we can’t say for certain that beetroot will help improve your chances of successful implantation however if you’re wondering what to eat during the two week wait, adding some beetroot to your diet certainly wont hurt. It will also provide you with an extra hit of folate, vegetables, antioxidants & fibre, all of which we know are helpful for fertility

If you want to learn my 3 key pillars to support implantation and the essential foods and nutrients to include your diet to optimise implantation, Click here to check out my Nourishing Implantation E-Guide

If you’re looking for ways to include more beetroot, try out my Beetroot, carrot & ginger soup recipe!



Serves 4


4 medium beets, peeled & diced

2 large carrots, diced

2 medium potatoes, diced

1 onion diced

1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil

1-2 tablespoons of ginger

1 orange, juiced

1.5 litres of chicken or vegetable stock


1. Heat 1 tablespoon of olive oil in a large pot over medium-low heat. Add diced onions and cook for 5 minutes

2. Add carrots, beetroot, potato & ginger. Stir to combine and cook for 2-3 minutes

3. Add ginger, orange juice & stock, stir to combine

4. Bring to the boil then reduce to a simmer.

5. Cook for 45minutes until vegetables are soft & tender

6. Allow to cool slightly & then blend soup into a smooth puree

7. Top with nuts, seeds or fresh parsley

Don’t forget to grab a copy of my Nourishing Implantation E-Guide where I share the exact science backed steps I use with my own clients to optimise implantation & improve your chances of IVF success!

Ebony CrameriComment