3 foods to help with implantation after IVF

If you’re undergoing IVF you may be wondering if food can really help with implantation & the answer is yes! Let’s take a look at 3 foods that can help implantation naturally after IVF & don’t forget to check out my Nourishing Implantation E-Guide where I share the most up to date, science backed nutrition strategies to enhance implantation


One of the biggest mistakes that I see clients make with their fertility diet is cutting out carbohydrates, in particular wholegrains!

Research  has shown that women undergoing IVF who had higher intakes of wholegrains had higher rates of implantation & live births compared to women with lower intakes of wholegrains.

Women who had higher intakes of wholegrains had a thicker endometrial lining which researchers may help with implantation  

Oily Fish

One study of women undergoing Assisted Reproductive Therapy (ART) found that higher dietary intakes of omega 3 fatty acids were associated with higher rates of implantation compared to those whose diets were lower in omega 3 fats. Oily fish such as salmon & tuna are some of the best sources of omega 3 fats, so include these regularly in your diet to support your fertility.


A small study of women undergoing intracytoplasmic sperm injection cycles showed that women who included a beetroot, watermelon & ginger juice daily from the day of embryo transfer during the two week wait had increased rates of implantation.

Beetroot is a rich source of Nitrates which is converted to Nitric Oxide. Researchers believe that this nitric oxide dilates blood vessels & provide oxygenated, nutrient rich blood to flow to the uterus which may help to support implantation.

Whist this is only a very small study & we can’t say for certain that beetroot will help improve your chances of successful implantation, if you’re wondering what to eat during the two week wait, adding some beetroot to your diet certainly wont hurt. It will also provide you with an extra hit of vegetables, antioxidants & fibre. Try my implantation supporting Beetroot Soup here

If you want to learn the science backed strategies to improve implantation with nutrition & the exact foods and nutrients to include for an IVF embryo transfer, click here to check out my Nourishing Implantation E-Guide

About the Author

Ebony Crameri is an online, accredited practising dietitian & nutrition with over 12 years clinical experience. Ebony has a special interest in women’s health, polycystic ovary syndrome & fertility nutrition

Ebony created her instagram account @hormone.nutrition & her private practice Project Nutrition to help women take control of their hormonal & reproductive health, have healthier menstrual cycles & improve their fertility naturally

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